โครงการ Smart Camp
Goal in the Next Life
Progressing from accomplishing the goal in this life to the goal in the next life, we realize that we need to improve our lives in both the short term (this life) and the long term (the next life).
Everyone’s goal of life can be classified into 3 levels : 1. Primary goal of life
The primary goal of life is aimed to manage an utilization of life for only this life. The goals of this level are for example:
Goal in This Life
People should have clear goals in their lives. When we have good goals to accomplish, we will not waste our time and life doing other useless things.
Our Goal
We made the decision to follow this path, out of a wish to learn meditation and to attain the inner body of enlightenment.
The Common Human Goal
Our world does not consist of only those who are warmongers; there are also those who have a strong determination to create a peaceful world.
14 ร.ร. ส่งนร.เรียนธรรมก่อนเข้ารั้วม.
The True Goal of Marriage
Our love is not only given to parents, siblings, and friends, but also shared with someone who may become one’s husband or wife.
What does ‘Building good foundations for life’ mean?
This phrase means setting the main goal of life as good and positive, with stable foundations and an optimistic future for this life time and others
Interesting view :
Although some people do have the inspiration towards Nirvana. They have set their goal of life earlier than they can continue to focus their concentration on